To check the driving license with driving license number (DL NO.), go to the message option on your mobile. Method 2: Send an SMS with driving license number Message Format: DLReference no and send the message to 26969.Įxample: DL DM5P071 Send the message to 26969. To check the driving license with reference number, write DL from the message option and enter a space, then write the BRTA reference number received in your driving license application and send a message to 26969. Method-1: Send SMS with BRTA reference number There are two methods of sending messages for checking the driving license status in Bangladesh. If you would like, you can check the BRTA Driving License status of the driving license application through SMS instead of online.
Enter your Date of Birth according to your voter ID card, and input DL No.
Download and install the DL Checker (BRTA) app from the play store.